40 Random Bits of Trivia That Look Just As Cool As Smoking 40 Cigarettes (And Without the Harmful Side Effects)

Here, read these with the cool kids under the bleachers

Dont let their jean-jacket-clad bad boy image fool you, these facts are complete nerds come test time. Its probably because their parents are so strict. At school, they put on that tough-guy act for their friends and teachers, but if they ever bring home a B, theyll be grounded for life. 

So dont be intimidated. These “bad boys” are harmless.

Lynne Cheney

Source: CNN

Mary Shelley



Scarlett Johansson

Source: Glamour


Source: GQ

The Holy Grail

New Girl

The Boraro

Source: ABC


Mayim Bialik

Justin Theroux


Witcher 3


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