21 Sentences That Make Sense Now But Wouldn’t 20 Years Ago

‘Just talking to my daughter through my watch!’

Society is always changing, but it’s been particularly change-y over the last few decades. Whereas a person from, say, the 1840s could probably hop forward to the 1870s without too much culture shock, a time traveler from the ‘90s wouldn’t even recognize the world of today. We all have portable phones that nobody actually uses as a phone, you can summon nearly anything nearly instantly to your home and there’s not a geometric-patterned windbreaker to be seen.

In fact, even the way we speak to each other about our everyday lives would probably alarm our turn-of-the-century guest to the point that they’d worry we were having a stroke, which they’d know very little about how to treat. That’s why user AMD0O7 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a perfectly rational sentence that you might say today that, if said 20 years ago, would be considered insane?”


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