35 Delicious Bits of Trivia That Are Gluten-Free, Guaranteed

Something for every brain out there

Its pretty safe to say that weve come to be known for our inclusive fact menu. We stand by our guarantee that every list will have at least a few facts for every reader. We wouldnt want a vegan reader to be scrolling through butcher-shop facts, or a gluten-free reader to take in fact after fact about the Saskatchewan wheat fields. 

Whatever your preferences and/or restrictions, your entire table is leaving here satisfied.

Hannibal Lecter

Source: SyFy

The Translation of Gulag

H Net

MIT’s Pirate Certificate


The Cannabis Ambulance

Source: WCYY

Britain’s First Satellite


Matt Stone and Trey Parker


Impulse Purchasing


Nine-Year-Old Yale Prodigy


‘The Million Dollar Man’ Ted DiBiase

Source: TheSporster

Super Mario



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