39 Overachieving Bits of Trivia That Help Your Brain Immensely But Still Somehow Annoy It

Know-it-all facts that’ll lead the way in a group project

Whatever the test or presentation, these facts won’t let you fail because they don’t want to fail. They have strict parents who nitpick their every move, and that kind of unhealthy motivation will only help your grade. Do what you can to help them out. You don’t want to be a complete deadweight passenger, do you?

Either way, you can rest easy knowing that these facts will easily snag you an A+ in any subject.


Classic Hollywood


The Big Bang Theory


The Civil War

Source: WGNTV

Jurassic Park

The Largest Bell Ever Made

Car Crashes

Earlobe Shape


Source: NASA

The Earth’s Core

Incognito Mode

Man in Disguise

Source: BBC

Being John Malkovich



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