40 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Woven Into the Beautiful Listed Tapestry You See Before You

Behold the beauty of these facts!

Would you mind putting on these gloves before scrolling through this list? 

As clean as your hands seem, even the smallest amount of finger oil can sully these facts forever. We’ve been to one art gallery, so we know what we’re talking about. Everyone there treated their works so delicately, and it made us question why we’re always so careless with our facts. They’re our little works of art, but we toss them around like Amazon packages. It’s time to treat them with some class and proudly display them like the artistic gems they are. 

Now, gloves on please!

Gravity Falls

17th Century Medicine


Project Sunshine

Game of Thrones

Jack Lemmon

The God Helmet

Source: Wired



Source: CBS

Serial Killers

Source: Yahoo

NFL Pyramid Scheme


The Bacteria on Dollar Bills


The One Place Not to Go When You’re a Wanted Man


The First Same-Sex Marriage in Antarctica



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