12 Pieces of Trivia the ‘Antiques Roadshow’ Guy Just Informed You Aren’t Worth Jack Squat

Well, back to work on Monday I guess

The Flavor of Tonic Water Comes From One Strange Ingredient


It's called quinine, an ingredient that was originally included to help British soldiers fend off malaria.

The Man We Have to Thank for Cheez Whiz


Cheez Whiz was created by a man named Edwin Traisman, who, as if he hadnt already done enough for junk food, also helped develop the process McDonalds uses for their French fries.

‘Under God’ Is A Pretty New Addition to the Pledge of Allegiance


It was only added in 1954, in a bill signed by Dwight Eisenhower.

An Ostrich’s Top Speed


We all know ostriches are speedy creatures, but if youve ever wanted to know an actual number, it’s 43 miles per hour.

The First Japanese Car Made in America


The stalwart Honda Accord was the first Japanese car manufactured in America, in a plant in Marysville, Ohio.

Why Tungsten’s Atomic Symbol Is W


It seems a little weird, given that theres not a single W in the word “tungsten.” Its because the W comes from an earlier, German name for the element: Wolfram.


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