25 of the Worst Wedding Gifts People Have Received

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25 of the Worst Wedding Gifts People Have Received

Despite the tried-and-true custom of selecting gifts directly from a wedding registry, there are always going to be people who go rogue. But from the looks of things, those people should be banned from gift-giving of any kind — weddings or otherwise. For instance: One newlywed mentioned receiving a comforter set for a waterbed addressed to them and Doug. They had no clue who Doug was, nor did they own a waterbed. So not only did they get a worthless gift, but they were totally baffled about it, too. 

Other Redditors have lamented the worst gifts they’ve ever gotten on their big days, and this much is certain: We’re all doing way too much regifting. 

toru92 1y ago Shared this on a similar post a few days ago. Someone got me one of those blankets with a couple in a car saying just married that you can customize the name and date. The only problem, it was a white blonde lady and a white blonde male. I'm a black woman with black curly hair and my husband, while white, has brown hair... it was baffling to me that it didn't cross my friends mind that I'm black and not to buy a blanket with a white lady on it? 273 Reply ...


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