25 Companies That Sailed Off the Road Because Somebody Was Asleep at the Wheel

Think you’ve got regrets? A company called Excite could’ve purchased Google for less than $1 million!
25 Companies That Sailed Off the Road Because Somebody Was Asleep at the Wheel

Have you ever lost $14.6 billion in a single day? We’ve had some quarters fall between the couch cushions before, but we luckily found them about a year later when we finally cleaned the couch. But hey, because of inflation, they lost some of their value. So we (and these other bonehead companies) can totally relate.  

Brazilian Oil Tycoon Elke Batista

CRACKED TUTE MILK $33 BILLION IN 18 MONTHS Eike Batista, a Brazilian oil tycoon, went from an estimated wealth of $34 billion to less than $1 billion in just 18 months. Until Elon came along, that made him a contender for the person who has lost the most money in the history of the world.


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