5 Surprising Ways Neanderthal Were Just Like Us

Our distant cousins maybe weren’t so distant after all
5 Surprising Ways Neanderthal Were Just Like Us

Neanderthals have been extinct for about 40,000 years, but their legacy lives on within humans. Although we may think of these prehistoric cousins as dim-witted, they were capable of complex thought, communication and sophisticated technology. Learn more about Homo neanderthalensis below…

NEANDERTHALS AND EARLY HUMANS INTERBRED. Modern humans outside of Africa have inherited around 2% Neanderthal DNA. Neanderthal DNA may be responsible
Source: NHM
NEANDERTHALS ACTUALLY HAD GREAT POSTURE. Neanderthals stood upright. The myth of the hunched knuckle- draggers came from one Neanderthal skeleton that
Source: NHM
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