36 Creepy Photos That Even Complete Skeptics Can’t Explain

Are ghosts real? Probably not, but probably. We don't want a haunting. The last time that happened around here Scripps took over. The plethora of ghost-hunting shows on cable primarily make use of improperly employed or malfunctioning equipment for the sake of leaning into spooky storytelling. And when kids use a Ouija board, someone is either moving the planchette intentionally, or the group is merely succumbing to the ideomotor effect.
But while we may understand these things intellectually, photos and videos like the ones below can still manage to get under our skin anyway. Is that ghostly figure moving in the background just an artifact from a previous recording? That UFO sighting just a wayward balloon?
Almost certainly. But then again, what if they’re not?
Baltimore Ghost Girl

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Brother Ghost

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Guardian Angel

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Haunting Paranormal Encounters

The Intruder

No Face, No Arms

The Brown Lady

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Tantallon Castle

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Garden Gnomes??

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Ghostly Soldier

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Dash-Cam Ghost


Phantom Passenger

Strange Figure

Costa Rica UFO

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Figure On The Rocks

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
The White Lady

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Moving Wheelchair

Real UFO Footage

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
The Greencastle Photographs

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Something Behind Him

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
"Diamond Shaped Object"

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Blockbuster Ghost

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Jerusalem Floating Orb

Among the Tombstones

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Cabinet Doors Opening On Their Own

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Another Dog?

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
The Virgin Mary?

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy