33 Collectors’ Items People Refuse to Sell

‘My grandpa has an authentic Stradivarius violin’
33 Collectors’ Items People Refuse to Sell

Although real collectors would pay any amount of money to add to their multitude of rare trinkets, some people refuse to sell items that they know are worth the cash.  

For one Redditor, that prized possession is a photo of Sean Connery, which is autographed by Roger Moore. The Redditor (and major Simpsons fan) had the luck of meeting Moore during a talk at their university back in 2004. They scrambled to print out the Connery pic and asked Moore to sign it. They, of course, explained the iconic Simpsons bit, to which Moore chuckled and agreed, thus creating a one-of-a-kind collectible that the Redditor has on their mantle for life. 

Other Redditors have revealed the collectibles they’ll hold on to until their dying day, including a Renaissance violin, a piece of the Roman Empire and a Blues Brothers album signed by the entire cast — and yes, that includes Pee-wee Herman.

jeff_the_nurse . 5y ago My dad has one of the few autographed Calvin and Hobbes books that Bill Watterson used to occasionally sneak onto the shelves at bookstores. 108 ...
 . 5y ago I have a portion of a triceratops rib fossil, and my wife has a ring which John Quincey Adams gave to his wife. 173 ...
Imaginary_Parsley 5y ago I collect vhs tapes and I've got a mint condition box set of the original Star Wars trilogy. Some of the best condition tapes I own actually, last I watched them there were zero flaws in playback. They're from the original release and lack all of Lucas's subsequent alterations. Han shot first and everything. It's not the most rare but it's one of the gems in my collection. - 270 ...
withoutlebels120 5y ago Not me but my mom. I was organizing some stuff for her and tucked in the back of her closet was an old chest. Inside was a lot of old vinyl records. She has the entire Beatles collection, 1st print, still in the original plastic wrap and price tags on them. She cut one-side of the plastic to access the record. There are also records from the Eagles, Elvis all in mint condition all 1st print. I should look up how much they are worth but mom has no intention of selling them. 27 ...
llcucf80 . 5y ago A 2004 Wisconsin State Quarter with the die error, high leaf. 12 ...
DeFactoLyfe 5y ago A 1700's Continental Congress Bank Note. Was given to farmers as payment for taking their stuff for the revolutionary war. Set the stage for paper currency in the US as the farmers began trading them between each other. Were literal I Owe You's back then that could be traded back to the government for silver after a certain date. Most didn't since they had value among the community at that point. 23 ...
Zenmedic e 5y ago Sheet music from a chart from Miles Davis' Porgy and Bess, with the handwritten notes from the recording player. 8 ...
mydudemax 5y ago A LeBron James signed high school honor code. I went to high school with LeBron. In each class at the beginning of the semester you had to sign a generic I won't cheat honor code. In math class we were passed out scrap paper one day and the teacher had repurposed a bunch of students' honor codes from her other class to use as scrap paper for our class. I got Lebron's. I've kept it ever since. I have other LeBron memorabilia, but this is my favorite and most unique. - 508 ...
KieselguhrKid13 . 5y ago I have my great, great, great grandfather's Civil War calvary sabre, in perfect condition, with the original leather harness. It's something I admired since I was a kid, and my grandma passed it down to me. And yes, he fought for the North. Which is all the more gratifying because I currently live in the South. 565 ...
drjimmiefrench . 5y ago The first ever Dr pepper bottle signed and dated by William P Klosner, at that time was the owner of the world's oldest Dr pepper bottling company. This bottle is a Dessert Storm misprint, bottled in Deblin TX, pure cane sugar and Hundredth year crown. Не gave it to me out of his collection. I took him a Pensacola recessed 2 4 10 bottle. 203 ...
lomlslomls . 5y ago A certified Fugio Cent 535 ...
AllarielleX . 5y ago Some negatives from original cuts of the original Star Wars trilogy. 855 ...
KevinTheAccountant69 . 5y ago A signed copy of the script of the first episode of the office. 717
marksfam 5y ago First Edition of Hunter S. Thompson's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, signed and sprinkled with Wild Turkey out of his glass, in my presence, Athens, GA, 'round about 1981. 671 ...
Ixkandel06 . 5y ago I have samurai sword signed by Randy Jackson 770 ...
OF VitriolicWyverns . 5y ago I have a newspaper from when Germany surrendered in WWI 708 ...
ElSatchmo 5y ago It would probably take a very specific collector, but I have a chewing tobacco can signed by Willie Nelson from when my grandma dated him back in the 50s. I also have one of the first Ping putters from back when they only made putters, given to me when my grandpa died. - 584 ...
HiBrucke6 . ! 5y ago WWII era US paper currency with HAWAII imprinted across the bills. 1.2K ...
series_hybrid 5y ago When flags on military ships get tattered, they are supposed to be disposed-of properly, and replaced with a flag in good condition. I have the worn union jack from the submarine I served on in the 1970's. It a blue flag with white stars, mounted on the bow. 1.1K ...
snowballz420 . 5y ago iPhone with the original flappy bird 856 ...
WAR-melon 5y ago 1st appearance of captain MAR-VELL autographed by Stan Lee 1.2K
Jaydice55 . . 5y ago A 1/1 Picasso piece. It's a relic card, but it's a one off genuine Picasso. I keep it on my mantle. 1.3K ...
GundamMaker . 5y ago 1916 Luger my grandfather brought back from WW2. Has most if not all original parts. Don't think it's actually worth much, but still collectable. 3.3K ...
g8rBfKn . 5y ago A drawing of Peter Pan signed by Mary Martin that says to Mary Martin (my great grand mother) from Peter Pan 2.5K ...
 . 5y ago A Blues Brothers Album signed by the entire cast. On top of the obvious awesomeness like John Belushi, Carrie Fisher, James Brown and Aretha Franklin, even people that made short cameos signed it like Peewee Herman and Steven Spielberg. - 1.5K ...
 5y ago Most Redditors will think I'm lying, but here: An unopened Barbie doll from 1960. | know this is lame compared to some of the answers here but ok 1.9K ...
ardyndidnothingwrong . . 5y ago An old coin from the Roman Empire. I have NO IDEA how I got it. One day I found it in a pocket of my pajamas and that was that. 1.9K ...
CapnBeardbeard . 5y ago A rare picture of Sean Connery signed by Roger Moore. Moore was giving a talk at my university in 2004 and I printed out the picture. Не was amused when I explained the Simpsons bit and agreed to sign it for me 6.6K ...
ThingsMayAlter . 5y ago I have a monopoly Get out of jail free card, signed by Captain Kangaroo. - 2.1K ...
Lemonburn 5y ago I have an English text book from early colonial America. I've never gotten it appraised. I'll probably donate it to a museum some day. - 4.3K ...
_Oopsie_Doopsie_ . 5y ago My grandpa has an authentic Stradivarius violin (family legend I've only seen pictures so) according to my grandpa it's been passed down in our family since the 1700s. Refuses to sell or pass it down to any of my uncles because they have suggested selling. - 827 ...
craigdavidsanorak . 5 5y ago I have a pocket watch worth about £10,000. My great grandad was given it by a German during the Christmas day truce in 1914. I'd never trade it or sell it for anything 5.5K ...
squishysharkmaster 5y ago Elvis Presley's watch. My grandpa use to run shows in Louisiana and he booked Elvis one time. During the presale or after show, I'm not sure exactly but he asked Elvis for his watch and he gave it to him. Не even took a photo with him that night and Elvis was still wearing it. - 149 ...


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