33 Collectors’ Items People Refuse to Sell

Although real collectors would pay any amount of money to add to their multitude of rare trinkets, some people refuse to sell items that they know are worth the cash.
For one Redditor, that prized possession is a photo of Sean Connery, which is autographed by Roger Moore. The Redditor (and major Simpsons fan) had the luck of meeting Moore during a talk at their university back in 2004. They scrambled to print out the Connery pic and asked Moore to sign it. They, of course, explained the iconic Simpsons bit, to which Moore chuckled and agreed, thus creating a one-of-a-kind collectible that the Redditor has on their mantle for life.
Other Redditors have revealed the collectibles they’ll hold on to until their dying day, including a Renaissance violin, a piece of the Roman Empire and a Blues Brothers album signed by the entire cast — and yes, that includes Pee-wee Herman.