30 of the Most Inopportune Times People Have Laughed Uncontrollably

There’s a lot of laughing in the face of death here
30 of the Most Inopportune Times People Have Laughed Uncontrollably

Inopportune laughter has taken place at funerals, during wedding vows, and unfortunately, right in the middle of someone having a seizure. But hey, once the dust’s settled and people explain their involuntary case of the giggles, everyone else involved is generally able to get in on the joke and have a little laugh as well. 

Well, almost everyone else. Laughing during a moment of silence for Princess Diana is inexcusable to the Brits — accidental or not.

rogingerlorde . 6y ago While getting a ticket from a cop. Не was a real jerk and took his job way too seriously. Honestly, I don't know what came over me but I couldn't help but start busting up laughing at him. Hint: Don't do this. Не yelled at me more. p.s. I also had my daughter in the car, and somehow it makes it doubly worse. + 208 ...
hnav930 6y ago . When I was in 5th grade the police officers of my town came to the school to give us a talk about road safety. They suddenly showed us an image of a person dodging a train, and I started laughing while the rest of the class was in silence. The teacher decided to kick me out of the class and made me wait in the corridor 438 ...
beefstewforyou e 6y ago Ad for helping people with Down syndrome that was playing before a movie. + 616 ...
f-f-fuckit 6y ago . Friends sister came in and in a serious tone said disco is dead which made me chuckle, then she told me disco was a person (I didn't know this). I hit that awkward hysterical laughter and had to leave. My friend forgave me, his sister (understandably) not so much. 1.1K ...
000-000-000yea 6y ago . At Passport control in Canada. The guy was busting my ass for spending a lot of time in the Middle East.... and I was like you are one to talk officer Abbas, hahaha Не was not amused, but then we started talking about throwing toonies at strippers and he was happy + 1.4K ...
itsafuckingalligator 6y ago e Yesterday during yoga. One of the girls that I invited fell asleep in the first sitting pose. We're standing there doing sun salutations and she's still sitting there asleep af! I busted out laughing and couldn't stop. 1.5K ...
HocinaesAlbinus 6y ago Several years ago working in a law firm, had a case where a gay couple with a civil union from another state was splitting up. New York didn't recognize the union. One party wanted to be in equity court, rather than law. Meeting with my boss about it and he drops the phrase: Back door into equity. 1.5K ...
getaduck11 6y ago . At my son's funeral. My daughter (10 at the time) got her hair caught in my niece's earring while my daughter was resting her head on her cousins shoulder. It was a nice 5 minute laughing session by the 3 of us but people behind us thought we were crying. + 2K ...
2ndChanceAtLife e 6y ago 0 Gal in my small town was murdered. News film crews filmed us arriving. I laughed because I was nervous. They didn't broadcast that clip. Thankfully. 3K ...
arranblue 6y ago . Heathrow airport sometime in the 90s. There was a 1 minute silence for princess Diana. My girlfriend burst into uncomfortable laughter. It was so infectious that I ended up in fits of laughter. I still feel bad. + 6.1K ...
OzzieBloke777 6y ago e The toilet. Standing while taking a piss. Remembered something hilarious. Piss everywhere. + 7.1K ...
fucamaroo 6y ago When the small turbo-prop plane hit really bad turbulence and dropped a bit. Ladies screamed. Children cried. I was laughing hysterically. Wife was unimpressed. Which of course made the laughing worse. 10/10. + 7.9K ...
mc102389 6y ago o My wedding vows. Husband got through his, then hit a giggle loop that had me struggling to get through mine. To the point where I was a little late on a few responses and my Dad asked Mom is she crying? No. No. She's laughing. + 9.6K ...
BradenA8 6y ago In a haunted horror maze. The owners and actors clearly put a lot of time and effort into making it look and feel incredible. But on the first jump scare my adrenaline spiked and I couldn't control the constant laughter that followed me the rest of the way. Absolutely shattered the tension for everyone. + 11K ...
Mechanicallysoundpoo 4y ago I was talking to my colleague and I causally asked him how his weekend went -I was expecting him to say the usual boring stuff like walked the dog etc- instead out of nowhere he says it was fine, went to my mates funeral at that moment I burst out laughing in his face uncontrollably, I don't understand why it made me laugh so much but it was the last thing I expected him to say. I'm a terrible person. + 208 ...
Such-Comment5642 4y ago I was working at a McDonald's cleaning in front next door I saw a guy walking and someguy comes on his bike behind and lays him out with one punch + 273 ...
 4y ago During my graduation ceremony, I was in the front row. We all got up to sing the school's anthem. The song was also gestured(?) in sign language. For some reason I found the person's gestures really silly and I was barely containing myself from erupting into laughter. + 505 ...
 4y ago When the polish president died in a plane crash in 2012 (I think) there was a nationwide minute of silence. For some reason I couldn't stop laughing, it was like an attack of just laughter because of nothing. Anyways my family got pissed and took me away to a room where I sat alone in the darkness and laughed for few minutes till my whole core started to hurt 84 ...
Jackstraw244 4y ago On jury duty for a drunk driving manslaughter case. Не agreed to an interview on scene of the accident, drunk as hell. After the officer identified himself on the tape, drunk dude started hollering in a thick southern drawl ya'll know me! My daughters a street walker down in (nearby town). I started laughing at that. With the wife and family of the victem visibly upset, staring at me. Then guy admitted he spent the day drinking at a strip club, with a n open 12pack of beer in the passenger seat with empties on the floor.
 4y ago was in a resturant and there was this kid a few seats ahead of me just being loud and annoying, so when he got out of his seat to do god knows what, he tripped and fell on his untied show and face planted into the hardwood floor, i laughed out loud so hard and i got a lot of nasty stares but it was worth it + 645 ...
comfortablyfaded E 4y ago . Edited 4y ago I joked about my friend and said he looked like he was having a seizure before my dumbass realized he actually was having a seizure
RedbearVIII 4y ago A teenager was harassing a middle aged woman in a wheel chair. The teenager tried to kick her in the face ..... she caught his foot so he fell on his face, she held his foot up and repeatedly kicked his nuts with her giant special boot. + 1.6K ...
indianfootprints 4y ago E Edited 4y ago My neighbour (60F) was about to open her gate but then she saw us, and she quickly turned around to say hello. Well, she perfectly face planked to the ground while doing so, got up and acted like nothing had happened and continued talking. I tried to ask her if she was okay but couldn't stop laughing. I must have looked like an asshole, it was the most perfect plank I've ever seen.
MaryNorn 4y ago My dad's funeral. My maternal grandfather got very emotional, and when he's emotional, he loses his English and lapses into Welsh. He's also a trained singer, so halfway through one of the hymns he starts bellowing it out in Welsh, which no one else in the church could speak (we live in Scotland). It was funny and awful at the same time. + 2.5K ...
TwistedGrin 6y ago In a staff meeting when they told us the store was closing and we would all be losing out jobs. It was the first mandatory full staff meeting in the 2 years I had been there (usually the warehouse area where I worked would do those things separately). I was joking in the carpool to work that we were all getting laid off in one go to save time and when we get there the Big Boss has tissue boxes lining the meeting table. I knew I was right and immediately starting giggling like an idiot. I
on Alistairio 6y ago Edited 6y ago My boss gave a talk to a squad of disabled athletes in wheelchairs and not only did he say that, it's important to put your best foot forward, but he also said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. I had to leave the room.
akane_thorn 6y ago . This one time at a funeral, my cousins and I saw an older gentleman approach the casket. It was a open casket, and he started talking. No big deal, but what he said killed us. It was something like Hey Jude. I'd ask how you're doing, but you're dead. + 29K ...
 6y ago Next to a dead body. Elderly lady had fallen out of bed, lit a cigarette and promptly died. She had such a pissed off look on her face, like great, fell out of bed, can't get up and what's this? A heart attack? Well why the fuck not!. + 2.4K ...
TwistedGrin 6y ago In a staff meeting when they told us the store was closing and we would all be losing out jobs. It was the first mandatory full staff meeting in the 2 years I had been there (usually the warehouse area where I worked would do those things separately). I was joking in the carpool to work that we were all getting laid off in one go to save time and when we get there the Big Boss has tissue boxes lining the meeting table. I knew I was right and immediately starting giggling like an idiot. I
tx69 6y ago I was interviewing a woman for a part-time job in our office when I realized that if you dipped her in blue paint, she would be the spitting image of Nanny Smurf. I started to crack up and realized I was going to lose it in front of her, so I told her I was having an allergy attack. I ran to the bathroom and laughed my head off, went back and finished the interview. + 7.6K ...


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