30 Random Bits of Trivia We Flossed Out of Our Brain Folds

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30 Random Bits of Trivia We Flossed Out of Our Brain Folds

You don’t mind regurgitated facts, do you? Because yes, these facts were up in our brains before we shared them with you, but this doesn’t have to be a baby-bird situation. Taking them in through your eyes is way less gross. Plus, to get firsthand facts, you’d have to go find some of your own. Leave the legwork to us, and we’ll leave the eye work to you. 

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Getting Struck By Lightning

CRACKED GETTING STRUCK BY LIGHTNING It's really unlikely that you'll get hit by lightning in any given year - almost a one-in-a-million chance. Most people who do get struck by lightning make it out alive, with around 90% of them surviving.



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