41 Movies That Changed Dramatically From Pitch to Premiere

41 Movies That Changed Dramatically From Pitch to Premiere

The guy who wrote Saw II didnt actually know he was writing a Saw movie. Huh?!?!

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IN SCREAM 2, THE KILLER BEHIND GHOSTFACE'S MASK IS MICKEY ALTIERI. THAT WASN'T THE PLAN. НЕ REPLACED DEREK AND HALLIE. The identity of the killers was changed after the script was leaked on the internet. CRACKED.COM


IN THE HARRY POTTER MOVIES, THE ENTIRE DURSLEY FAMILY REMAIN UNSYMPATHETIC TO THE END. HOWEVER... IT DIDN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. In the books, Dudley Dursley makes amends with Harry after years of mistreatment. The scene was filmed, but ultimately scrapped. CRACKED.COM


YOU REMEMBER MARVIN GETTING SHOT IN THE FACE IN PULP FICTION, RIGHT? ORIGINALLY... IT WAS A SHOT TO THE THROAT. According to Phil LaMarr, who played Marvin, his death was a mercy kill after being accidentally shot. It was changed to make Jules and Vincent look less unsympathetic. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM SE7EN IS A BLEAK MOVIE WITH A BLEAKER ENDING. HOWEVER... THE SCRIPT WAS EVEN DARKER. John Doe was originally supposed to take Detective Mills hostage and kill him. Then Detective Somerset would torture Doe and burn him alive. PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE FRAGILE


CRACKED COM OBI-WAN HIDES LUKE'S PARENTAGE FOR NO APPARENT REASON OTHER THAN PURE SEMANTICS. ORIGINALLY, НЕ HAD A BETTER MOTIVE. YODA MADE HIM DO IT. In a clip deleted from Return of the Jedi, Yoda fesses up that he forbade Obi-Wan from spilling the beans.


IF YOU THINK OF TITANIC, YOU THINK OF THE I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD! SCENE. EXCEPT... THAT WASN'T IN THE SCRIPT. Jack didn't even have dialogue in that scene. The line, which made the movie 100% more memorable than it'd be otherwise, was thrown in by Leonardo DiCaprio. GRACKED.COM


Evan wasn't supposed to be Almighty. The original script was titled The Passion of the Ark, and it was unrelated to Bruce Almighty. It was turned into a sequel after Jim Carrey declined to reprise his role. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Minority Report was going to be a Total Recall sequel. After the success of the Verhoeven/ Schwarzenegger team-up, Carolco Pictures turned to Minority Report as a follow-up. When Carolco went under, the project went to Fox and was put on hold for a decade.


The Cloverfield sequels weren't meant to be sequels. 10 Cloverfield Lane was written as The Cellar, and The Cloverfield Paradox was The God Particle. Both scripts were refactored to be part of the Cloverfield universe. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Final Destination was conceived for The X-Files. In 1994, Jeffrey Reddick wrote Flight 180, a script he intended for The X-Files, his favorite show. The original death cheater was Scully's brother.


CRACKED.COM The Following was born from Scream. Kevin Williamson came up with The Following while working on Scream. Не also used ideas from his abandoned script for Scream 3.



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