34 Pop Culture Predictions That Came True (Or Fell Extremely Flat)

Some predicted reality TV in the ‘70s, while others booed the thought of Bruce Willis in ‘Die Hard’
34 Pop Culture Predictions That Came True (Or Fell Extremely Flat)

Oh, so you think you know pop culture’s future, do ya?! You have a bold prediction for the trends, huh? Well, you better flip a shiny quarter, Mister Confident. Heads, you’re right. Tails… We’re changing your name to Mr. Wrongo! Ellis Island style!

C'mon - George Lucas would never, ever rip someone off

Saturday Night Live put Princess Leia in a gold bikini 5 years before Return of the Jedi In the 1978 episode hosted by Carrie Fisher, Fisher plays her iconic character who drops by a 1950s beach. CRACKED.COM


The eyes of the world are upon you.

CRACKED.COM H HISTORY Gangland KOREA i SEASON FIVE Dangland Dangland 2003 2007-2010 DVD When Dave Chappelle predicted that the History Channel would cover Street Gang Wars as US History, the audience broke into hysterics


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