22 Viral Videos People Don’t Realize Are Fake

‘Gary Busey buttered sausage’
22 Viral Videos People Don’t Realize Are Fake

Some people are willing to do just about anything to go viral these days. Whether it means humiliating themselves or others, permanent bodily injury, or even spending time with their families, it’s all about squeezing out as many precious ad dollars as possible. And who can blame them? It certainly beats a commute.

But some people are willing to go so far as fakery — and succeeding. Through staging, clever editing and/or removing a clip from its context, some have found they can get lots more eyeballs on a video if it’s almost too outrageous to be true.

Well, we don’t stand for that around these parts — it’s authentic nut shots or nothing. User STi_Future must feel the same way, because they took to Reddit to ask, “What viral video is fake but people think it’s real?”






















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