40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are As Tantalizing As the Plump, Greasy Hot Dogs on the Rollers at 7-Eleven

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40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia That Are As Tantalizing As the Plump, Greasy Hot Dogs on the Rollers at 7-Eleven

Should George R.R. Martin get credit for creating Chewbacca?

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Maria Bamford

MARIA BAMFORD I've had many friends and family, sadly, die of suicide, and one thing that always bothers me, though, is that, when there's an obituary for someone who's died of it, there's always the number for the suicide hotline. And I know that's helpful....l've called it myself. But as a person who's trying to kill themselves, it always feels a little condescending. Like, I know what the f- number is. I'm depressed, I'm not a moron. Just seems like, you know, having an obituary for someone who died of drowning and then there's an ad for a raft. You

Source: Maria Bamford: Weakness Is the Brand

Beauty and the Beast

Metal Gear Solid 3


Glinda the Good Witch

The Royal Tenenbaums



Mark McGwire

Toy Story 2

Han Solo

Mr. Turner

Dwayne Johnson

Greg Kinnear

The Little Mermaid


Assassin’s Creed III


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