40 Manipulative Bits of Trivia That’ll Gaslight Your Brain Into Thinking It Can’t Live Without Them

These facts are great and all, but they’re not the only facts out there
40 Manipulative Bits of Trivia That’ll Gaslight Your Brain Into Thinking It Can’t Live Without Them

These facts are going to give you this whole spiel about them being the only facts you’ll ever need, but don’t fall for it. Yes, they’re great. They provide a ton of information about a wide variety of topics, but they don’t cover everything. How could they? There’s a lot to know out there.

You wouldn’t think that such a highly intelligent list of facts would be so insecure, but here we are. Hopefully one day they’ll know their worth and be happy with who they are.

The Chance of Being Born


Naomi Watts and Nicole Kidman


Lego Bricks



Source: NESN

Frank Sinatra

Source: Yahoo

Charity Concerts



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