40 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Been Fermenting for Weeks and We Think Have Gained a Sort of Collective Sentience

Good facts come to those who wait
40 Random Bits of Trivia We’ve Been Fermenting for Weeks and We Think Have Gained a Sort of Collective Sentience

Were not quite sure how we feel about putting these facts out there. Weve become attached to them over the past few weeks, and they now hold a special place in our brains. Actually, now that we feel them swimming around in there, we think theyre trying to become attached to us, parasite-style.

Here! Were more than sure we want to get rid of them now. Take what just happened to us as a cautionary tale because it seems like theyre now looking to latch onto your brain and never let go.

Classy Meek Mill

CRACKED HAVING TO TAKE AN ETIQUETTE CLASS In December 2020, Meek Mill, the rapper, was told by Judge Genece Brinkley that he had to take an etiquette class by August as part of his probation for a 2008 conviction for drug-dealing and gun possession.


Cabrini Day

Source: CNN

Steven Spielberg

Strangers with Candy




Source: NASA

Ancient Greece

A Million Ways to Die in the West


Stephen King

Source: CNBC

The Amazon

Source: NASA

Johnny Depp

Breaking Bad


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