40 Sincere Bits of Trivia That Say What They Mean and Mean What They Say

These facts get right to the point
40 Sincere Bits of Trivia That Say What They Mean and Mean What They Say

Dont look to these random tidbits for kid-glove-clad advice, because they arent going to sugarcoat it. Theyll give you the cold, hard, honest facts without any fluff. 

Were not exactly sure why you came here for advice, but hey, if its about something like starting a commune, these facts can tell you that the Arquettes grew up in one and it didnt sound fun at all.

Axl Rose and Slash

Axl Rose And Slash Glick Slash claimed that before a show, Axl refused to go onstage until the band agreed to sign away their rights to the band's name. After their 1993 tour, Axl referred to Slash as a cancer, the band broke up, and Axl didn't even attend their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction. CRACKED


Troy Glaus

Dishonored World War II Servicemen


Kill Bill


Shower Heads



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The United Kingdom



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