40 Random Bits of Trivia We Won in a High-Stakes Game of Jacks Down at the Elementary School Playground

We won these fair and square (no matter what that sobbing kid tells you)
40 Random Bits of Trivia We Won in a High-Stakes Game of Jacks Down at the Elementary School Playground

Growing up, playground games like marbles and Pogs didnt really do it for us, since those didnt give us the same risky thrill as a game of Jacks-for-Facts. We just felt so indifferent about winning or losing round balls of glass or bright-colored paper discs.  

When facts were on the line, we loved winning as much as we hated losing. What a rush! And as youve seen from countless fact compilations on this site, when it comes to facts, nothing can stop us from bringing home the goods.

The Color Pink

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Spontaneous Singing

Gerald R. Ford



Source: WIRED


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