40 Radioactive Bits of Trivia That You Should Only Read While Wearing One of Those Heavy X-Ray Aprons

You’ll probably be fine, but the squares in the corner offices are making us warn you about the dangers of reading radioactive facts. So here it goes: The following facts are so chock-full of nearly impossible to contain materials that they’re radiating information. If you choose to step any further into this list, we’re not responsible for any injuries or unfortunate side effects you may experience.
There, we said it. Sorry for being so lame.

The Overview Effect
Source: 12 Out-Of-This-World NASA Facts
Source: Paisley Park
The Shining
Source: 20 Nostalgic Facts About the Movies That Inspired 'Stranger Things'
Movie Myths
Source: Chesapeake AED Services
Scarlett Johansson
Dick Van Dyke
Source: 15 Celebrities With Little-Known Relatives (Who Are Amazing In Their Own Right)
One Billion Dollars
Art Exhibits
The Three Bears
Sources: ChuckJones.com, Looney Tunes Wiki
Gavin McInnes
The Moon
Electric Cars
The Walk
The Civil War
Pet Rocks
Dr. John Fryer
James Cromwell
Olof Palme
Meaningless Buzzwords
Source: NBC News
The Abandoned Austrian Man
Source: wwfasiapacific
Doom II
Source: 29 Video Game Features With Just Bonkers Backstories
Blade Runner
Rock, Papers, Scissors
Daisy Cutter Bombs
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Clint Eastwood
Source: The Hollywood Reporter
Ancient Rome
Tom Green
Maori Culture
Source: 13 Pieces Of Good News To Make The World Seem Less Gloomy