35 Jaw-Dropping ‘Ahh, That’s Why They’re Single…’ Moments

‘She said my astral map was all wrong’

If a man casually says something like “You know how women like it when a man shows ‘em who’s boss?” it’s pretty obvious why he can’t get a date. But other times, the reason for someone’s perpetual singledom isn’t clear until you see them in action.

One Redditor watched a situation like this unfold. A man was invited to a party to be set up with a woman, and after the two were introduced, he asked her to play a game of pool. She agreed, and he proceeded to “absolutely dominate” the game, even taunting her when she made bad shots. When his victory was complete, he rubbed it in her face by yelling, “In your face, LOSER!!!” as everyone else at the party looked on in horror. After witnessing this, everyone understood why he was single. 

Other Redditors have shared the times they had revelations about why someone was single, including one guy who put prospective partners to work.


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