12 Farm-Fresh Trivia Tidbits for Thursday, December 19, 2024

The geniuses at Taco Bell have gone back to the lab and invented... the chicken nugget

If youre gonna hide a dead body in your car, make sure to look both ways — for the Google Street View car.

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It’s 3 Gigs of Data, Michael, How Much Could It Cost?


Six thousand dollars, for this one guy at least. AT&T incorrectly charged a customer $2 per MB, when he was already paying for unlimited data. He was stuck with a bill for $6,223.60, and is still trying to resolve the issue after spending days speaking with customer support.

We May Be Looking at a Megazord of Japanese Car Manufacturers


Honda and Nissan are in early talks to merge together to take on American and Chinese EV companies, and they appear to be open to inviting Mitsubishi to the fight as well.

How Fast Is a Thought?


Studying volunteers who were solving a Rubiks Cube, Caltech scientists found that people think at 10 bits per second — and thats actually really slow. A normal Wi-Fi connection processes 50 million bits per second, and our sensory systems tend to gather information about our surroundings at one billion bits per second.

Taco Bell Is Now Serving Another Classic Mexican Staple: Chicken Nuggies


Theyre doing a test run of a chicken nugget product, done in characteristic Taco Bell style: the nuggz are coated with a combination of tortilla chips and a goop thats flavored like jalapeño buttermilk. 

Scientists Can Now Make a Cyborg Cockroach About Once a Minute


Scientists have been able to install little mind-control devices onto cockroaches to control their movement for a while now. But a university in Singapore has come up with a process that allows them to knock out a roach and install a high-tech backpack on its exoskeleton in 68 seconds flat.

Cab Drivers Are Oddly Immune to Alzheimer’s


A study found that just one percent of cabbies develop Alzheimers, compared to four percent of the general population. Experts believe their navigation skills keep their hippocampus strong, which is often one of the first parts of the brain to deteriorate.

A Murderer May Have Been Caught Red-Handed on Google Street View


Spanish police have arrested a couple that were allegedly involved in a deadly love triangle after Google Street View appeared to show the dude loading a dead body into his car.

Walmart Will Make Its Employees Walking Security Cameras


A new theft deterrent initiative will see some employees strapped with body cams, turning minimum wage workers into unwilling narcs.

The Tallest Hotel in the World


The Gevora Hotel, located in (where else?) Dubai, is a 75-floor behemoth that stands at 906 feet high. Its fastest elevator makes the trip in 38 seconds, going up to 16 miles per hour.

Brains May Age Faster in Space


A study of lab-grown brain-like organoids on the International Space Station found that brain cells can survive in microgravity better than expected, but that they mature at a faster rate.

We May Get a Brief Reprieve From Hidden Fees


The FTC has finally banned predatory hidden fees on hotel and concert tickets, but its very likely not to last very long. The only asshole on the FTC who objected to the new rule was Andrew Ferguson, who Trump just named to head the commission.

Black Holes Aren’t As Powerful as We Thought


The existence of binary systems, where two stars are bound together by gravity, was hypothetical until this year. And the pair that astronomers finally observed are closer to the Milky Ways black hole than anyone thought possible. Scientists used to believe a black hole was so powerful, it would tear a binary system apart.


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