38 Random Bits of Trivia That Just Accidentally Liked Your Brain’s Post From Like Five Years Ago

These facts are doing a deep dive into your brain
38 Random Bits of Trivia That Just Accidentally Liked Your Brain’s Post From Like Five Years Ago

Just know that while you’re checking out these facts, they’re checking you out, too. The perusing and judging goes both ways here. When you read one, whether you like it or not, it’s up in your brain looking around at the other random facts it’ll have to associate with.

These highly intelligent factoids don’t like being affiliated with lesser facts from lesser sources.

The Iranian Viper

There's an Iranian viper that's equipped with a fake spider at the end of its tail. The structure resembles a spider but it's actually a lure to attract birds when scientists first saw it, they thought it was an abnormal growth. CRACKED.COM

Source: NatGeo

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