12 Pieces of Trivia Circling Your Head After You Get Bonked With A Mallet

I’m seein’ facts, boss

Just because it’s a cartoon doesn’t mean you’re not concussed.

The Meaning of Pinocchio’s Name


In Italian, it translates to “pine eyes,” possibly also answering the question of “what wood was Pinocchio made from?"

The Tower of London’s Ravens Are Connected to A Prophecy


Its said that if the six resident ravens of the Tower ever leave, the kingdom will fall.

Centuries of Artists Painted With Egg Yolks


From the ancient Egyptians up until the time of Da Vinci, egg tempera was a popular type of paint. It was made by mixing egg yolk, water and powdered pigment.

The Pep Boys’ Real Names


The original men behind the iconic cartoon faces are Emanual “Manny” Rosenfeld, Maurice “Moe” Strauss and W. Graham “Jack” Johnson. Since 1926, though, Jack’s face has been replaced with that of Moe’s brother, Izzy.


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