42 Random Bits of Trivia That Will Order the Most Expensive Thing on the Menu Then Never Return Your Brain’s Calls

Don’t let these facts take advantage of your brain

Youve got a really nice and bountiful brain. We dont want to seem too jaded, but that can be a target for some sly facts out there. They want to be taken care of. A massive, fruitful brain like yours is just a playground for them. Take it from us. Theyll have you thinking that youre the only brain for them, then they start bouncing around to the next hotspot. 

Just try to not get too attached. Facts like these might never be able to settle down with one brain.


Source: BBC

James Bond

Source: IMBD

Facebook Diagnosis


Jessica Biel and Chris Evans

Source: Esquire


Car Window Garfield


The Peking Duk Fan

Source: Time

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‘I’ll Be Back’


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