12 Shards of Trivia That Grant Great Power When Reunited

Once scattered across the globe, now here in one article

They’re not bad on their own, but together, they’re unstoppable.

How Many First Moves Are There in Chess?


There’s 20 options for the first move in chess: Eight pawns that can each move one or two spaces, and two knights with two possible moves each.

The Most Common Phobia In The World


It’s thought to be arachnophobia, or fear of spiders. If you’re a sufferer, you’re welcome for me keeping the image to an empty web.

Dachsunds Are More Badass Than You Think


The word “dachsund” is german for “badger dog,” because they were first bred to hunt badgers. I’m not sure I’d be brave enough to take on a badger in their own tunnel, so my respect for them just went way up.

A ‘New England Milkshake’ Is Missing The Most Important Ingredient


A traditional New England milkshake is just milk and flavored syrup, no ice cream. If you want what you call a milkshake, you have to order a frappe.


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