40 Random Bits of Trivia You’ve Had Completely Backwards in Your Mind

Your brain zigged while reality zagged

Get ready, all you fact-checkers out there, because its time to fact-check our fact-checks! 

You could save a ton of time by just believing us, but we know you wont. And thats okay, because were confident in our findings. You know what? If any of you find a legitimate fault in our myth-to-fact transformations, well give you our jobs. Once the higher-ups see your skills, theyll be totally cool with the swap. The same goes for your boss, too!

Erin Brockovich



Benito Mussolini


Cooking Myths

The Flat Earth


Source: NHM

The Color of Blood


Searing Meat

Chocolate as Aphrodisiac

Somali Pirates


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