42 Random Bits of Trivia That Flush in Reverse in Australia

However we flush ‘em, they’re ending up in your brain

At first, we were a little dejected that our elaborate fact-delivering piping system didn’t work out. The higher-ups and their lame budgetary restrictions are at it again! They said it was either that or Randal’s salary, so we nixed the pipes. Randal’s great. 

Of course, this means that you’ll have to read these facts instead of having them flooded into your brain, but hey, it’s Randal! You’d understand if you met the guy.

A 17-year-old Marine snuck on a ship to storm Iwo Jima.


A $95,000 junk mail check actually cleared when it was deposited.

SF Gate


Source: WebWire

Gum chewing can boost concentration.

Source: Wired

Source: BBC 

Source: CNN


You don’t erase ink with the blue eraser.


Source: BBC



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