12 Fresh Trivia Tidbits for Thursday, September 26, 2024

Seaweed shirts and zombie Crocs

Ring Will Pay $100,000 for Paranormal Evidence


The Chief Commercial Officer of Ring cameras announced a Ghost Search contest, the winner of which will receive $100k for the most compelling supernatural images or videos caught on a Ring device.

Is Seaweed Clothing the Future?


Apparel brand Outerknown released the first commercially available seaweed-based shirt, made of a compound of cotton and kelp fiber. Seaweed is a much greener crop than cotton, as it doesnt need to be fertilized or watered, and obviously contains zero fossil fuels, compared to synthetic fibers.

Zombie Crocs


Crocs is piloting a program called Old Crocs New Life where they’ll collect your old Crocs, then shred them and repurpose them for brand new Crocs.

A Real-Life ‘Homeward Bound’


A California couple took their cat on a camping trip to Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, where it freaked out and ran away into the woods. The cat traveled 900 miles in the right direction over the course of two months, before it was finally returned to the family (thanks to a vet scanning its microchip).

What Are the Oldest Airports in the World?


Marylands College Park Airport is the oldest in the world thats still in operation, having been established in 1909. Swedens Ljungbyhed Airport followed in 1910, and Germanys Hamburg Airport takes third place at 1911.

Scientists Grew a 1,000-Year-Old Tree


Scientists were able to grow a tree from a millennium-old seed that had been found in a cave in the Judean desert in the 1980s.

Coca-Cola’s ‘Permanent’ Flavor Lasted Six Months


Coca-Cola introduced a new raspberry-ish flavor, Coca-Cola Spiced, in an ill-fated attempt to lure Gen Z sippers back from brands like Olipop and Poppi. Half a year later, no one was buying it and they were forced to retreat back to the lab.

Fancy Hotels Aren’t Giving You the Good Stuff


Many high-end hotel chains have deals with luxury skincare and perfume brands to offer their products in rooms. But usually youre getting a special concoction thats merely inspired by the real thing. 

For example, the Fairmont Hotel gives you free Le Labo Rose 31 products, but its website stipulates that the toiletries are lightly fragranced with the Rose 31 scent and are exclusive to Fairmont.

Can Xi Jinping Eavesdrop on Your Group Chat?


A well-known Chinese economist criticized Xis handling of the economy in a private WeChat group, and was soon detained by police and seems to have disappeared entirely.

Is Zero a Number, or Is It Nothing?


Neuroscientists have determined that the human brain categorizes the number zero as just that, a number, as opposed to the much more nebulous concept of the absence of anything.

Which U.S. Cities Have the Shortest Commutes?


Americans who drive to work average a 55-minute commute. Memphis, Las Vegas and Columbus, Ohio came in at the fastest car commutes while, predictably, L.A., Chicago and New York had the slowest.

What Are the Greatest Movie Soundtracks of All Time?


According to Rolling Stone, the answer is 1972s The Harder They Come, 1965s Help! and 1984s Purple Rain.


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