12 Unconventional Burglar Deterrents

Keep your house and home crime-free

Cover Your Floor in Marbles


Its obviously inconvenient for you, too, but over time, your feet will callus and your sense of balance will become incredible. Burglars-to-be, on the other hand, will quickly take a spill or two before moving to a home without a sphere-covered floor.

Mannequins Everywhere


In the same way that, in the animal worlds hierarchy, wolves might scare off smaller creatures, so can you project the presence of a more unsavory criminal. They enter your house to commit a burglary, but suddenly, theyre wondering whether theyre getting their DNA all over some much more concerning crime scene.

Huge Boots Next to the Door


Or, rely on physical intimidation, whether youre home and actually large or not. Leave a pair of massive boots by the doorway — Im talking upper double digit sizes — and any burglar will think twice about invoking the ire of what seems to be some sort of modern giant.

Sheep's Blood All Over Your Door


It worked for the Egyptians in the Book of Exodus, and now it can work for you! Any burglar seeing a door covered in blood is going to assume that house is all crimed out already.

A Crocodile


Sure, a guard dog is good, but thats something a veteran criminal might have mentally prepared themselves for. A crocodile standing in the middle of your foyer? Thats a variable not worth testing in pursuit of silverware.

Live on Top of A Really Big Hill


Why would anyone want to rob some house thats a miles hike from their getaway car when they could ransack ground-level homes?

Dress Like A Burglar Yourself


Make your home wardrobe that of a burglar. That way, in the event of a home invasion, theyll think theyve been beaten to the punch, and you can invoke the Thieves Code to make them leave.

Make Your Whole House Stinky


No pawn shop or fence is giving a good price on stuff that smells like shit!

Go Full Santa Mode


Robbers cant break down your door or climb through a window if you dont have any doors or windows! But how do you get in and out? In the manner of Old St. Nick, of course — through your chimney.

Have A Mummy


The presence of a mummy implies the presence of a curse to intruders.

Put Your Stuff on Mysterious Looking Pedestals


Indiana Jones has educated us all that removing an item from a mysterious pedestal is a recipe for disaster. For extra security, hang a huge stone ball over it. It doesnt need to be able to drop, just seem like it could.



Simple. Elegant. Classic. Good enough for kings, good enough for you.


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