20 Seemingly Obvious Facts That Most People Still Don’t Know

Penguins have knees

When you think about it, there’s a whole world out there that we just don’t see. Our eyes can only process light within a certain spectrum, provided it’s reflected by an object larger than about .1 millimeters, which our brain can then interpret just about any way it likes. You’ve gotta watch out for the brain. It’s a real wild card.

Despite this, we still don’t see a lot that’s right in front of our freaking faces. Look up hidden symbols in famous logos some time — it’ll change your whole life. Or consider that water itself isn’t wet — water makes the things that it touches wet. It seems obvious, but a lot of people have never considered it.

That’s the kind of thing user DontPanicJohnny was wondering about when they asked r/AskReddit, “What is the most obvious, yet obscure piece of information you can think of?” and Reddit blew our minds right out of our heads.


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