10 Photos of British Foods That Are Proof Positive That British Food Is Awful

Maybe they colonized all those countries because they ran out of gross places to put hard-boiled eggs

Gala Pie


Okay, now this definitely feels like biting into a testicle. I dont think the pork pies problem was “lack of wet orbs.”

Pork Pie


God, and I thought I hated how porkpie hats looked. I assumed I was looking at pictures of uncooked ones, but apparently that is the right color on the inside. Theres no way eating this doesnt feel like biting into a breaded testicle.

Scotch Egg

Unhindered by Talent

The high regard that the British hold hard-boiled eggs in is entirely inexplicable. Its almost impressive to take the classic pairing of sausage and eggs and make this many wrong decisions about how to best prepare both.

Toad in the Hole

Jerry Pank

If theres one thing British cooks love, its making the worst mess youve ever seen and then calling it something that sounds like a chapter out of The Wind in the Willows. I see no holes. No toad. Only something that looks like a divorced dad had to use the oven to make hot dogs because the stove broke.

Classic English Breakfast

Ewan Munro

Their preferred breakfast looks like they slid a plate under that soldier that got gutted on the beach in Saving Private Ryan.

Squeak and Bubble


I assume this was invented at the British food factory when a worker carrying a box of cabbage bumped into a worker carrying a box of scabs.

Mushy Peas


This one in particular always has Brits crying, “Its not that bad!” I understand that it likely just tastes like peas. But why did you do that to them? Were spheres too spicy of a shape for your Anglo-Saxon palates? “I love baby food, but its a bit rich.”

Spotted Dick


Could I make fun of the name, as many before me have? Sure, but I dont think I need to. A reminder that this is their idea of a dessert. It looks like it was meant to protect a bowl from breaking during shipment, not constitute the most decadent part of a meal.

Jellied Eels


This is what the Hobbits ate when it was Gollums turn to cook.

Stargazy Pie


The decorative fish heads poking out of this pie serve double duty as a warning. Though the word “decorative” feels a little too nice here. Maybe “vestigial” would be a better fit. This looks like something the Puritans would do to fish that they thought had magic powers to ensure their souls went to hell.


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