24 of the Funniest Tweets from Tuesday, May 7, 2024


We’ve got the need for speed — Speed 3 that is. Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock made a joint appearance on the 50 MPH podcast to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Jan de Bont’s high-octane thriller Speed and had some hopeful words for those looking for another installment in the series. While Reeves opted not to return for 1997’s Speed 2: Cruise Control, the John Wick actor made it clear that he and Bullock would “freakin’ knock it out of the park” if given the opportunity to reunite. Bullock echoed Reeves’ acknowledgement of their chemistry saying, “There’s no formula. It just is.” She then made the following plea: “Before I die, before I leave this planet, I do think that Keanu and I need to do something in front of the camera.” If fans are lucky, that “something” will in fact be Speed 3

In other reunion-related news, William Shatner revealed that he would consider initiating warp drive once more under the right conditions. The legendary actor told the Canadian Press that a return to the USS Enterprise is an “intriguing idea,” but signing on for a future film would be contingent on “a genuine reason for the character appearing” with a “well-written” role and not just a nostalgia-fueled cameo appearance for fan service.

As Hollywood A-Listers reflect on some career defining highlights of their past, the timeline’s A-Listers continue to live in the moment with hysterical tweets that just might jumpstart a career in comedy. Today’s funniest include those about a serial puker, something along the lines of what Macbeth once said and a cheeky new COVID variant.


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