12 Trivia Tidbits for Monday, April 29, 2024

They’re flying off the shelf, buddy!

One Brave Man Is Giving Knives to Houseplants and Guns to Flies


Artist David Bowen has made some completely pointless, yet oddly practical art installations, including a houseplant whose electrical signals are tapped to wield a machete, and contraptions that detect the random movements of flies to tweet, pilot a blimp and handle a gun.

U.S. Births Are at Their Lowest Since 1979


The amount of births in the United States fell by 2 percent in 2023, to 3.59 million, the lowest in over 40 years. One has to wonder if state-supported gun violence and rollbacks in bodily autonomy dont make a great backdrop for baby making.

There Is One Thing Tackier Than Wearing a Band’s Shirt to Their Show


It’s wearing a grocery store’s sneaker to buy groceries. Grocery store chains Aldi and Lidl have both dropped signature shoes in recent years, that feature their colorways and logos. Despite being extremely reasonably priced at around $15, they’ve gone viral and are, frankly, kind of rad as hell. (Also we were just kidding before, wear a band’s shirt to their show, gatekeepers can eat shit.)

‘The Onion’ Was Bought By Its Own Fake Brand


G/O Media, the company that ruined popular websites like Gizmodo and Kotaku, blessedly sold The Onion to a group that aims to save the site from the hell that is modern ad-supported web publishing. The group recently started the tongue-in-cheek shell company Global Tetrahedron, which has been The Onion’s go-to fake corporation name for decades.

Internet Stalkers Are Stalking IRL Stalkers


Netflix’s wildly popular new show, Baby Reindeer, is a based-on-a-true-story about a comedian who dealt with a stalker and an abuser. Fans are doing some Swiftie-level overanalysis, and have been trying to track down creator Richard Gadd’s real-life abusers, despite his begging them to knock it off. A friend and colleague of Gadd’s has been a particular target, because he has a beard, like one of the characters in the show. 

Farewell, Rat Hole


Chicago’s famed rat hole, a rat-shaped impression in a slab of sidewalk that turned into a shrine to the anonymous rat (or maybe squirrel?) who left it, has been carted away by the city. It was determined that that particular slab was damaged, and could become a potential safety hazard. It’s currently in storage, and the mayor has yet to decide what to do with it.

The FCC Finally Made the Right Choice


In a narrow vote, the FCC reversed its prior decision to burn the concept of net neutrality to the ground, and is finally, officially, recognizing the internet as a public utility. In the seven years since net neutrality was stonewalled, broadband companies have been suspected of holding traffic hostage, on sites ranging from Netflix to a California county’s fire department during a wildfire.

What’s on Your Mind During Vacation?


A new study of 2,000 travelers found that one in five vacationing Americans are daydreaming about... their next vacation. 

Scientists Dare to Imagine a Mouse With the Brain of a Rat


Neuroscientists were able to transplant rat stem cells into the brains of mice, where they actually formed functioning neural networks. According to one scientist, this is remarkable progress toward treating human ailments that involve loss of neural function, and were taking their word for it.

Milan’s Ice Cream Curfew


An attempt to pass a law banning ice cream after midnight failed in 2013, but its making a comeback. And this time, theyre coming for your pizza, too.

You Know What They Say About Raptors With Big Feet…


Fossilized raptor footprints found in China have led researchers to believe theyve stumbled upon a heretofore unknown species of megaraptor, which they approximate to be six feet tall and 16 feet tip to tail. Thats much larger than previously known raptors, and even the slightly exaggerated ones from Jurassic Park. Although this does all stem from a somewhat unscientific-sounding rule of thumb that you multiply the length of the footprint by four to get the height of a dinosaur at the hip. Bones or it didnt happen.

The Weirdest Stuff People Have Left in an Uber


Ubers Lost and Found Index lists the most frequently left items of the last 12 months, which is boring and predictable, but also the weirdest stuff people left behind. Entries include the engine to a Jeep Liberty, a fart sensor and my girlfriends pregnant pills.


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