33 Wild Things Said by Noisy Neighbors


You never really know who you’re living next to. Even if you have paper-thin walls, you still don’t really know, but certain colorful remarks can begin to paint a picture. If you have the luck of overhearing a loud argument, you get to choose whose side you’re on, which is ultimately irrelevant to them, but a little treat for you. For example, you really get to understand a couple’s dynamic if you hear a woman shout, “I’ll give you oral sex when that boy next door walks on the moon!” 

Civilians don’t do a lot of moonwalking, so you can pretty much imagine how the rest of the night went. 

Redditors have recalled the wildest, funniest or most awkward things they’ve heard their noisy neighbors utter, and if they didn’t want to be eavesdropped on, they’d lower their voices.


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