30 of the Worst Gifts People Have Received from Their Significant Other


Though gifts aren’t the cornerstone of most relationships, they can serve as a general indicator of what the people in your life think of you. Unfortunately, this method of analyzing the gifts you receive can sometimes spur an identity crisis or ego-killing experience. Like the woman who received 26 packets of rice — for her 26th birthday, obviously — as a gift from her then-boyfriend. On the surface, the explanation is simple: Her boyfriend was a cheap-ass who got the rice from his job for free. But beyond that diagnosis, it would be totally understandable if she started asking more personally existential questions like whether or not she gives off a “26 packets of rice” vibe. 

Unfortunately, such a rice stash isn’t the worst gift someone has received from a significant other. Redditors have opened up their hearts to air their bad-gift grievances, and it’s starting to feel like there should be an official relationship rule that cleaning supplies aren’t presents. 


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