20 Videos That Always Make People All Drooly With Happiness

‘Drug spiders’

Video apps have had an unprecedented effect on society. Suddenly, everyone could instantly share anything they could record with the camera they now kept in their pockets at all times: historical events, works of art, Janet Jackson’s boob at the Super Bowl (which was the reason for YouTube’s invention — seriously). It did what cable news and Napster never could.

But what we shared the most were cats. Cats doing silly things. Dogs doing silly things. Anyone doing anything silly, really. It’s a testament to humanity that, when given this awesome technology, we did use it to share violence and misinformation, yes, but we used it more than anything to make ourselves and each other laugh.

So when r/AskReddit was asked, “What is the ‘one’ YouTube video you always come back to whenever you need (to) laugh or smile?” the silliness abounded. Heartwarmingly, there were no boobs in sight.

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